Cigars And Stogies

Romeo y Julieta capulet

Ultimate Romeo y Julieta Capulet Review

I woke up today, on Labor Day, wondering what to do.  The Solheim Cup is coming on at 12PM.  So it would be nice to enjoy a cigar and write a review while watching.  Therefore, I decided to write the Ultimate Romeo y Julieta Capulet Review while watching some golf.  Find out how the day played out below… 

Early Morning

I wake up early today and do my usual cup of coffee and meditation to get my day rolling.  Enjoying the Starbucks today more than usual.  Lots of reading needs to be done sine I am not working.  Further, I want to have a cigar while watching the golf tournament at 12PM.

I realize my iPad needs to be charged so I plug it in and cannot read it since it is at 0%.  So I made a list of things I need to get accomplished today.

Today is particularly nice morning as compared to Sunday morning.  Saturday night was a night of college football enjoying a Montecristo #2 and Black Label Weller Bourbon with my good friends.  So Sunday morning was not such a glorious day since I was a little wooly headed.

Labor Day preparation

The list for the day is finished.  I have to get some Stella Artois for the burgers later and tidy up the house. Pam and I make some English Muffins for breakfast and then off to roast some coffee beans.

There is a pound of Brazilian Adriano beans that need to be roasted.  I finish the Formula 1 race from the Netherlands while eating my breakfast.  Nice race Max Verstappen.

The red coffee roaster is ready and the beans are roasting.  The Roku is on and the Solheim cup is streaming.  I choose my Romeo y Julieta House of Capulet 6 x 60 Magnum!

Romeo y Julieta Capulet - First Third

The cigar is a big fat one.  I clip it with a double guillotine cutter.  As always it is lit with another Vertigo lighter and has a nice mild flavor.

Romeo y Julieta Capulet

Mild tobacco flavor fills the palate and I am outside so the smoke flows with the slight breeze that is present.  The ash stays on it nicely and does not break apart in the breeze.  Nutmeg flavor is present but not any spice or harshness to the taste.

As noted above the cigar is a big gauge of 60.  I started buying those because they smoke slower and do not burn hot.  Great size cigar if you have a lot of time and are going to be outside chilling.  

Romeo y Juliet Capulet - The Middle

As you can see from the picture the cigar is burning evenly.  It never gets hot like I mentioned above and the flavor stays consistent.  Pam comes back from a walk as it is a gorgeous day today.  

Romeo y Julieta capulet

Temperature is upper 70’s and low humidity.  Lots of sun.  At this point of the cigar my mind drifts to thinking about golf and my golf swing while the Solheim cup is playing.  I have been working on the golf swing and it is getting better.  I hope…

The smoke from the cigar is very light and silver.  The nutmeg type flavor is intensifying and is nice.  I am sipping a bourbon and solving the golf swing issues.  Nice day.

Romeo y Julieta Capulet - The End

The end of the cigar has to be lit again, because I am typing and watching golf more than puffing.  However, the cigar never gets a hot burnt flavor and remains a smooth cigar.

The coffee finished roasting and the beans are put in the storage bag.  It is nice to smell the finished roasted beans but they don’t smell too good before roasting or during roasting.  Ugh.  Amazing how something that smells so bad during the process can turn into one of the greatest beverages to drink.

 I finally finish the cigar and golf tournament has more time to finish.  The day is so nice that I think I will hit some balls on the range before the boys come over for burgers.  I have time because my to do list is done.


The Romeo y Julieta Capulet is a great cigar and one that I will keep in my humidor.  If you haven’t seen my humidor check out this post here.  I need to find more cigars to put into the humidor so studying the catalog is my job for the second half of the day.

The Romeo y Julieta “House of ..” has a four House collection.  They include House of Capulet, Montague, Romeo and Verona.  This collection of cigars has many hands in the development including AJ Fernandez and other Masters of tobacco.

The Romeo y Julieta House of Capulet can be found here at The Famous Smoke Shoppe.  Grab yours today.

All the best, 

Doctor B