Cigars And Stogies

Best Cuban Cigar - Cigar Man

The Best Cuban Cigar – Canada Style

As I prepared to take my first International trip to Canada since the pandemic I was perplexed about whether or not a good cigar shop would have made it through Covid.  Not only did I find the cigar shop that I have frequented in the past (CigarMan), but it was still open and survived the lockdowns and Covid issues.  Read on to see how I was able to enjoy fine Cuban Cigars in Canada.

Beginning Of The Day

It is a nice morning as I prepare the cigar buying trip.  I sip my Sumatran coffee with a little bit of cream and sugar.  Searching the internet for the cigar store location and trying to find out out their inventory.  The coffee is going down nice and the Cigar Man store is open.  I search a partial inventory from posts and reviews on their Facebook page here and Google Reviews.

Living in the USA I am unable to get Cuban cigars so I have to do some extensive research on what would be available.  My list is done and I grab a bite to eat.  My Mother in law Mary makes me a great breakfast with scrambled eggs, toast, fresh tomatoes from the garden and whole wheat toast.  

Another cup of Sumatran coffee to wash it down and I am ready to go. But before we go I get an education from my Father in law, George, on how to grow tomatoes.  I need the education because our tomato plant back home sucks!  

I will always remember George saying “John, you want to grow tomatoes not a plant so prune it back.”  That is for another time and another story…

Lunch and Shopping

Off we go to get some lunch at Joeys in Ottawa.  The food is amazing and they did a great job with the pandemic and making you feel nice and safe with the dining room.  I can see the Cigar Man store across the street and as I finish my Salmon and Pinot Grigio I am pumped to check it out.

Walking in we are greeted by Anwar and he is a very nice man with superior knowledge of his trade.  I look in the humidors which are at the perfect humidity and temperature.  The cigars look amazing and the more expensive cigars, that are probably not purchased a lot, have PLUME.  

Some who are not educated on humidification practices may not know what this is as it could be mistaken for mold.  So the google review idiots saying the cigars are moldy are not educated.  To find out about humidifying your cigars check out my post here.  

The negative reviewers obviously have another agenda to besmirch this nice store.  I won’t say anything more so I can keep the post positive.

Browsing and Shopping Time

George and I walk through the store and find some great buys with high end Cuban cigars and even some Cuban Alternatives.  I find a new Vertigo lighter so I can keep it in Canada for my next trip.  For those that don’t know you can’t travel with a nice cigar lighter.  Against the TSA rules among a plethora of other rules you don’t break.  I lost a $100 dollar lighter at a check point while traveling so I do not make the same mistake twice.  

Finally, I purchase my cigars and lighter and talk cigars with Anwar for a few minutes.  I wish they had a lounge so we could sit and talk cigars and solve the world’s problems but they don’t.  Maybe in the future they will and I will be able to sit and enjoy my cigar and get to the business solving problems.  Maybe in the future.

Leaving the Cigar Man store I find my way to the LCBO to find some great buys with wine and whiskey (see image below).  They have a great selection and my wife Pam and Mary already have a shopping cart full of great buys.  Now our bellies are full from Joeys, my cigar purchase is successful and our upcoming week of wine and beverages are purchased.  Great Job!  

Check out How many bottles of Buffalo Trace on the Shelf at the LCBO.

Best Cuban Cigar - LCBO

Time To Enjoy

We make it back home and we unload our wonderful purchases and go through our bounty.  I get an education from Pam and Mary about the wine that was purchased and I can’t wait for another amazing dinner and wine.  

However, I have to smoke my Cuban Cigar before dinner.  The day is the one year anniversary of my Dad’s passing.  

Good old Coolhand Luke who taught me about cigars and helped me with my cigar hobby.  If you haven’t heard of him or read about him on the blog check out the About page.  

Pam and I sit outside on the back porch under the canopy.  I have a Macallan 12 year old scotch and the Cuban cigar to celebrate my Dad.  She has a glass of  a nice cool Pinot Grigio since it is a hot day in Canada 31 degrees Celsius.  

Convert it to Fahrenheit yourself.  The Canadians make me do it every time I visit.

The Best Cuban Cigar - Canada Style The Beginning

The Cigar is a figurado, so if you do not know what that is you can check my post here.  However, there is a picture below so you know the size and shape.  I clip the cap of the cigar and light the foot with my new Vertigo lighter.  

The Best Cuban Cigar - Canada

It has a great aroma right from the beginning.  The smoke is silver looking and very thin.   It is not an overly smoking cigar.  The first few draws are of leather and spice.  Not too spicy and I am surprised at that because I figured it would just be stronger and more peppery.  

The ash sticks to itself nicely and continues with the shape of the cigar.  I slightly take the ash off the cigar four times total and only once in the beginning.

The Best Cuban Cigar - Canada Style The Middle

The middle of the smoke is just as nice.  The leather flavor comes into play a little more and then I taste like a coffee flavor.  The scotch is blending nice but the ice is melting because it is damn hot for Canada.  So, I have to get more ice and you guessed it…more scotch.  

Watching the golf tournament streaming on my iPad and watching Bentley the cat roam around the deck searching for rabbits and squirrels in the yard is a nice touch to go along with the smoke.

Bentley the Cat

The Best Cuban Cigar - Canada Style The End

Now, I am sweating pretty good but I am in the last third of the cigar.  It never burns too hot and has been a great medium body cigar for me.  The Tobacco and coffee and leather flavors and aromas are still there and finish the cigar nicely.  

It is a shame that I am at the end of the cigar and it is a shame that my scotch is done.  

I sit back and reflect on my Dad “Coolhand Luke” and all of the things he has taught me in my life.  Not to get too sentimental but he always wrote nice little words of thought and passed them out to everyone he met.  The last one he gave me was this.

“We all stumble and have faults towards each other but LOVE conquers.  If we don’t have love, everything else is useless.”  Coolhand Luke 2020

I can’t think of a better way to end this post after all we have endured in the USA and Canada these past two years.  Through Covid and everyone arguing about masks, vaccines, lockdowns and politics.  It boils down to LOVE.  Love for Life, Family, Humanity, Freedoms and the list goes on. 

Just LOVE one another because life is short and in the end all that matters is LOVE.  

Especially Love for my Cuban Cigar and how I would have LOVED to been able to enjoy this with my Dad – Coolhand Luke.

Best Cuban Cigars - Doctor B and Coolhand Luke

All the best, 

Dr. B

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