Cigars And Stogies

Best Way To Smoke A Cigar

The best way to smoke a cigar is an easy process.  Pick the cigar you want to smoke.  Prepare the cigar for smoking.  Light the cigar properly.  Finally smoke the cigar slowly.  Here is how to do this correctly.

Before You Begin To Smoke A Cigar

best way to smoke a cigar

The first thing you need to do is find the right cigar for the moment.  There are many shapes and sizes as you can read from my previous post here.  When picking the cigar the time of the year makes a difference. If it is cold outside then you have to think about smoking a cigar that is a little shorter.  Because you are not in the cold so long.  

However, if it is warm and let’s say on the golf course.  Then you will want to smoke a bigger cigar like a Churchill.  The bigger cigar will last throughout the round of golf.  You may have to light it over and over but it should be worth it.  That way it lasts throughout  So find the right cigar for the time you have to smoke and the size you like.  You can see the different sizes on my previous post here. 

Now that you have the cigar  just make sure you prepare it for smoking.  You may want to use a punch or cutter to get it right for smoking.   However, the choice is yours to figure out.  If you are unsure how to cut or punch the cigar, then read my previous post here. 

How To Light The Cigar

Lighting a cigar has three components.  The first is to toast the cigar foot.  Second is to light the cigar foot with the cigar in your mouth.  Third is to inspect the lit cigar to make sure it is lit all the way around the foot of the cigar.  

Toasting the cigar has to do with  placing the flame under the cigar and not on the cigar itself.  Gently rotate the cigar while keeping the flame under the cigar and not on the cigar.  You will see the cigar start to smoke and the foot or tip of the cigar will start to smoke and turn black.  Once the foot is black and slightly smoking then you are ready to light the cigar.

To light the cigar put the cap in your mouth and let the flame stay under the cigar but not on the cigar.  Gently puff on the cigar and the foot or tip of the cigar will glow.  You will also start to get smoke in your mouth.  Once you believe it to be lit, then inspect the cigar.  Take it out of your mouth and inspect the lit end of the cigar.  You want a perfect red glow around the entire cigar.  If you notice one area not glowing red do the following.  Take the cigar out of your mouth and gently blow on the end of the cigar.  This will spread the heat to light the area that is lagging.  Now the cigar is lit and ready to smoke.  

How To Smoke The Cigar

best way to smoke a cigar

Smoke about 2-3 puffs per minute.  This is the typical time frame to smoke the cigar.  It will not be too fast or too slow.  You have to give yourself time to enjoy the cigar.  

DO NOT smoke a cigar if you only have 15 minutes.  Switch to an alternative if that is the case because cigars are different.  This is a gentlemen’s delight and you need to take time to enjoy the cigar.  Having said that, give yourself time.  Life is too fast anyway.  Take the time to reflect on the pleasures of life or solve a problem.  

Enjoy the cigar slowly and over the years the 2-3 puffs per minute has always been a nice pace.  By glowing slow you may over time be able to taste the nuances of the cigar flavor from the wrapper to the smoke on your palate.  Combining a nice drink with the cigar will add more flavor.  So make sure you plan ahead.

No Cigar Lighter?

This is another topic that I will have to cover.  Because you may find yourself in a situation where you do not have your lighter.  Or all there is to light the cigar is a match.  Don’t worry this will be covered right now.  The same scenario is true with picking the cigar and preparing the cigar.  

However, lighting the cigar will have to be quick if you only have a match.  So everything I said about toasting the foot and making sure it is lit is OUT THE WINDOW.   Put the cigar in your mouth and light the match.  Puff on the cigar with the flame touching the cigar and make sure it is lit.  You may only have one chance at this.  

Once the cigar is lit you can always go back and inspect it and try to get the burning cigar even.  However, you have to get it lit first so you cannot screw around with other stuff until it is lit.

What If the Cigar Goes Out?

If the cigar goes out, then start back at toasting the foot of the cigar.  Lighting the cigar and inspecting the end of the cigar.  Blowing on the end of the cigar can help spread the heat evenly, but it may not be needed at this stage of the game.

My Cigar Burns Unevenly?

This will happen from time to time where one side of the cigar burns faster than the other side.  If this is the case and you catch it early on, then just rotate the lagging side to the bottom of the cigar.  There is more oxygen at the bottom then the top because of the rising smoke.  This increase in oxygen can over time catch the lagging part up with the hotter part.  

However, if it does not catch it up then toast the lagging part with the lighter and it will eventually catch up.  As you smoke the cigar always inspect it for the uneven burn.  If you catch it early and do the rotation thing it will allow you to keep the cigar burning right.

What If The Cigar Loses It's Draw?

The draw on the cigar is the ability to suck air through the cigar from the foot to the open cap end.  If you cannot get a good draw then do the following.  

If the cigar cap was punched then punch another part of the cap to make the hole bigger or get a cutter and cut the cap.  This will allow for more air flow.  

If the cigar cap was V cut then cut it with a guillotine cut.  Guillotine cigar cuts open the cap up fully and allow you to have a bigger draw and more air flow to keep it lit.  Having said that there are some cigars that even guillotine cut do not draw.  That could be the case because no all cigars are made perfectly.  

There is a device that you can use if this happens.  It is a long poker that you punch through the cap of the cigar through the middle of the cigar and out of the foot of the cigar.  This will allow a pierced hole through the cigar and a channel for air to keep the draw perfect.  If you do not have one of these devices you can get one here.  

If you do all of the above and it doesn’t work, then I am sorry to say you have to throw the cigar away and get another one.  This has happened to all of us!!!  I bought a $200 box of cigars one time and had to get rid of 2-3 because they just would not draw.  I hate that when it happens.   Some vendors will replace the cigar if it is bad so make sure you have a good relationship with your tobacconist.

Best Way To Smoke A Cigar - Conclusion

Learning to smoke a cigar the right way is must for anyone wanting to enjoy this hobby.  It could make or break your cigar smoking pleasure if done wrong.  

Remember the three things for the best way to smoke a cigar.  

  • Pick the cigar.  
  • Prepare the cigar.  
  • Light the cigar.  

Don’t forget to Inspect the cigar as you are smoking so you do not have one end burning too hot and too quick.  Make sure you get a nice draw on your cigar.  Remember to adjust the cut on the cigar or get a poker for the cigar that does not draw well.  I hope this helps you enjoy your favorite cigar.

All the best,

Dr. B